
About Arachnology the journal


Arachnology, the journal of the British Arachnological Society, is the foremost British academic publication on all aspects of Arachnology (excluding Acarology), including discussions of arachnid biology and ecology, descriptions of new species, and information on recent discoveries in arachnology. It is edited by Professor Paul Selden, former President of the British Arachnological Society, assisted by numerous specialist reviewers.

The Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society was first published in 1969, and was edited for 37 years by Dr Peter Merrett. In 2013 the Bulletin was renamed Arachnology in order to reflect the international nature of its contents. Three issues are published each year, in Spring, Summer, and Autumn, and three years (nine issues) constitute a Volume. All articles in the Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society (1969–2012) are available for download in pdf format for free and articles in Arachnology are available for download in pdf format for members only (see content section below). These electronic reprints are for personal use only, and may not be used for commercial purposes.

Since the Spring 2018 issue (Volume 17 Part 7), illustrations have been in full colour in both printed and online editions of Arachnology.

Some statistics for 2023:

  • Manuscripts with final decisions: 56; accepted 37, rejected 19 (acceptance rate ~66%)
  • Average time from submission to decision: 62.9 days (n = 56) (thank you reviewers!)

Journal details


  • ISSN 2050-9928 (Print)
  • ISSN 2050-9936 (Online)

Formerly known as Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society:

  • ISSN 0524-4994 (Print)
  • ISSN 2049-3045 (Online)

Further details:


Arachnology has been available through BioOne since 2014.

BioOne is a collection of more than 200 bioscience journals from small publishers which are made available online to research libraries around the world. Access is free for British Arachnological Society members and libraries subscribing to BioOne.


To get a taste of a recent edition, please go to Volume 19 (Special Edition).

You can obtain papers from each volume from the filtered views of the library linked below:

Submission guidance

Guidance for authors:

When your manuscript is ready, click here to start the submission process to Arachnology:

Submit Manuscript


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