The Newsletter

The Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society

Newsletter cover issue 154

The Newsletter is our general informal members' publication, edited by a small Editorial Team. Published three times per year in a bright, full colour, A4 format, the Newsletter is the essential read to keep up to date with arachnology and arachnologists!

Full list of downloadable newsletter PDFs (registered members of the Society can download the newsletters from this page). Registered members can also Search the Newsletter for individual articles (with links to Newsletter PDFs).

Submissions should be made to the Editorial Team by email: newsletter[at]

As well as Society news, book reviews, notices, results from field trips and site surveys, the Newsletter includes articles on all aspects of arachnology. Whilst the focus is on British species, we also publish articles on non-British arachnids but with a British connection e.g. species that might be expected to arrive in the near future.

It is a forum for all of our members, beginners and experts, UK and Overseas, to publish their photographs, observations, species records, and research, in a lighter format and to a broader audience than the academic literature. A wide variety of articles and letters include research reviews, behaviour, distribution, ecology and taxonomy.

From the Spring 2025 issue, the Newsletter will fully incorporate articles and notices from the Spider Recording Scheme and the Harvestman Recording Scheme, focusing on the occurrence and distribution of spiders and harvestmen within the British Isles, as well as articles on rare or difficult to identify species. It also features occasional articles on British pseudoscorpions. These too should be submitted by email to: newsletter[at]

A brief guide for those wishing to contribute to the Newsletter is available at the following link.

The BAS Newsletter – A brief guide for contributors

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