Factsheets and leaflets
Our BAS factsheets provide basic information about some of Britain's commonest spider species; they are free to download and print. They are all designed to be used in conjunction with the 'essential spider information' in Factsheet 1. Commercially printed copies (maximum of one per title) are available for individual use from the BAS by sending a stamped, addressed A5 envelope to the Hon. Secretary at 519 Huntington Road, Huntington, YORK YO32 9PY. For enquiries about obtaining larger numbers of printed leaflets, please email secretaryATbritishspiders.org.uk. Leaflets at the end of the list are endorsed by the BAS and were produced by our regional groups and by BAS partner organisations - we are grateful for their permission to include them here.
BAS Factsheet 2: Large house spiders

BAS Factsheet 4: Garden Spider

BAS Factsheet 5: False Widow Spiders

BAS Factsheet 10: Zebra spiders

BAS Factsheet 14: Money spiders