What's on

These events pages detail the various local and national events that the BAS is either organising or attending throughout the year. These activities are divided into several categories above. Events are organised at either by BAS Council (national events) or by the BAS Regional Coordinators and local Mentors throughout England, Scotland and Wales.

In 2022 we hope to start to return to a more normal programme of events and courses as it becomes safe to do so. We are already advertising the first batch of courses organised by the Field Studies Council with BAS tutors - contact details are given for each event and more details for many of them will be available nearer the time. Other events will be added through the year, as they are organised - please keep an eye on these pages. Please note that our Annual General Meeting will once again be held by Zoom.

Use the filters to change which events are visible. After setting filters, click the Apply button.

  • Staffordshire Invertebrate Science Fair 2025

    A popular and varied event showcasing invertebrate science from a range of UK organisations, societies and enthusiasts. The fair usually includes talks, displays and activies for all ages! 

    The BAS will be attending again this year so do come and say hello!


    Location: The Catalyst, Staffordshire University ST4 2DF
    Time: 10.30 - 16.00
    Costs: Free