The resources on this page are to help BAS Regional Coordinators run events, training workshops and field meetings.
General information on the role of Regional Coordinators (together with mentors and SRS Area Organisers) can be downloaded here.
The Regional Coordinator and Mentor lists are currently organised by Geoff Oxford, who checks annually that all are willing to continue in their role(s) and continues to seek new people to expand our geographical coverage.
Resources for regional coordinators
When they first volunteer, Regional Coordinators should all be issued with a basic kit for running stands at events. This currently comprises:
- a spidery table cloth
- an A1 poster
- BAS membership leaflets
BAS posters to Download for printing (and laminating)

BAS display boards and banners
The Society owns two sets of display boards, two pull-up banners and one 25m long hanging banner. Loan of these is possible but the logistics of transport to and from events is usually difficult! Please contact the Hon Secretary with enquiries.
A5 information factsheets
We have produced a range of A5 size folding information factsheets. These are available in two formats, one for local commercial printing and the other in a form suitable for colour photocopying. You can see the full range of factsheets (which are publicly available), and download the PDFs. Small batches of these factsheets are available from
Dealing with money
Guidelines on handling regional accounts can be downloaded here.
Running field meetings/events
Information on our insurance cover, under the auspices of the BENHS, is here: 2023 insurance cover
Health and Safety
The BAS Health & Safety Policy can be downloaded here. For each field meeting (or other event) you need to identify, assess and mitigate risks that may be encountered and complete the field meeting risk assessment form. This form does not need to be sent anywhere but retained in case of future legal action. To be officially 'sanctioned' as a BAS event, and therefore covered by insurance, details should be sent, in advance, to NB that these documents are reviewed annually by BAS Council. Please notify the webmaster if the documents here are out-of-date.
Running training events - resources to share
We are grateful to all those who have shared the teaching/training resources below; these have been developed for their own courses/training days. You are welcome to use these either as they are, or as a basis for developing your own materials.
- A guide to the families of British spiders - A4 sheets for each family contributed by Tony Russell-Smith
- A set of workshop handouts – A4 sheets covering spiders and their kin, webs, drawings of representatives from major families, a family key (copied from the Arachnologists’ Handbook) and a list of further reading. Contributed by Geoff Oxford.
- A PowerPoint presentation to accompany a workshop ‘Introduction to spiders’ – Geoff Oxford. This file is large and cannot be e-mailed so please contact Geoff Oxford if you are interested in a copy.
Regional publications
Substantial publications produced by the Regions need to be checked by the Society's Publications Group. See BAS Publications Group for details.